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Messier 5

m5,ngc 5904

Messier 5

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Messier 5 (M5) is a bright globular cluster located in the northern constellation Serpens. It lies at a distance of 24,500 light years from Earth, in the galactic halo of the Milky Way. It has the designation NGC 5904 in the New General Catalogue.

With an apparent magnitude of 6.65, Messier 5 can be seen without binoculars, but only under extremely dark skies and it only appears as a faint star near the star 5 Serpentis. Binoculars will reveal the object to not be a star, but a fuzzy patch of light, and small telescopes will show a bright glowing core.
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m2,globular cluster

Messier 2

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Messier 2 (M2) is a globular cluster located at an approximate distance of 37,500 light years from Earth, well beyond the galactic centre. The cluster lies in the direction of Aquarius constellation. It is one of the largest known clusters of its kind in the night sky, spanning about 175 light years in diameter. It has the designation NGC 7089 in the New General Catalogue.
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